Get Involved

Get Involved

"Things won are done; joy’s soul lies in the doing."

~ Troilus & Cressida: Act 1, Scene 2

Come and be one of us

There are plenty of ways you can be a part of what goes on here. The Inn Theatre Company has existed for over 20 years because people like you have reached out and offered their help in all sorts of ways. Here are some of the things you might want to do, and how to get in touch. And you can always email us if you want to talk about other ways to share your skills.


We always welcome performers, and we don’t turn anyone away even if we can’t offer a speaking part every time. Our main auditions, for our summer Shakespeare production, are usually held in late winter/early spring. However if you’d like to be notified of the next auditions you can contact us any time.


You might be interested in helping out backstage, with costumes, stage management, set building or props. We couldn’t put on our shows without our behind-the-scenes volunteers. Some people help ahead of the production, and some are backstage for the performances themselves. Whatever skills you have, we’d love to hear from you.

Other support

If performing or helping backstage aren’t your thing (or if they are and you’d still like to do more), there are plenty of other ways you can support us. From front of house help during shows, to help with fundraising all year round, there’s always plenty to do. Just contact us to talk through what we need or what you can offer.

Stay connected

To keep in touch with what we’re up to, you can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram. And please join our mailing list for up-to-date news by clicking here.

“I’ve had the great privilege of working with The Inn Theatre Company. They nestle deep into the s/w coast and have perhaps the most splendid of stages- a natural setting to take your breath away. The second breath-taking moment is their truly adept skill and mastery of delivering high quality, hugely entertaining and popular work. They were born to speak the Bard and you were born to listen. I urge you to go and share in their joy and if need be to beg, borrow or steal a ticket - but get one. See you there!”

— Michael Corbidge (Senior Voice and Text Associate The Royal Shakespeare Company)