
Support us

"Boldness be my friend! Arm me, audacity."

~ Cymbeline: Act 1, Scene 6

There are plenty of ways you can make a difference to us

You can help us to keep thriving, and keep staging Shakespeare productions in Dartmouth and beyond. We are lucky to be able to create such magical experiences for people all over south Devon, and the generosity of our supporters is a big part of that. There are lots of different ways, large and small, that you can help.


We’re grateful for any donations to help cover the costs of costumes, set, lighting, staging, props and all the other expenses that enable us to stage our plays. If you’d like to make a donation you can click here - and thank you!


You, or your organisation or business, can make a specific contribution to a production or to The Inn Theatre Company. We’ll be happy to thank you publicly and raise your brand in exchange for financial support, or maybe donating equipment or services we need. To discuss the opportunities further, please get in touch.


Are you good at persuading people to support the arts? You could run an event to raise money, or perhaps talk to local businesses who could support us. You might even have experience dealing with grant-making trusts. If you think you can help, please let us know here.

Advertise in our programme

We produce a full-colour programme for our audiences to keep as a souvenir. You can promote your business and show your support at the same time. If you’d like to advertise in the programme, please email us.


There are lots of ways you can support us by getting involved on stage, backstage and more. For more ideas about becoming part of the Inn Theatre Company, check out our Get Involved page.

Spread the word

The more people who know about us, and what we’re up to, the more people we can entertain and engage. So please follow us on social media, and share our posts, updates and news bulletins with anyone who might be interested. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram, and sign up for our newsletter here.